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* Kratos if you are new to XTgem,you should know the following: (1)TO ADD A NEW PAGE: to add a new page go to loggin you xtgem account (if you don't have any,you can still sign up for an account.) then click BUILD>>CREATE>>ADD BLOCK>>ADD NEW PAGE... set the settings then save. (2)TO ADD A FILE: loggin your account>>BUILD>>CREATE>>ADD BLOCK>>ADD FILE. choose the file then save... NOTE: you don't add a file more than 5mb. (3)HOW TO ADD URLS: to add urls, go to , then click at CREATE FILE set the settings and save... you can now link it up.. and many other features.. once again welcome to KRATOSCRIB.XTGEM.COM 9ja hottest site!!
2015-10-16 11:52 · Reply · (0)

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The Soda Pop